Advancing Your Career | How to Move Forward When You’ve Outgrown Your Existing Opportunity

Advancing Your Career | How to Move Forward When You’ve Outgrown Your Existing Opportunity

If you’re feeling stagnant in your career, you might be thinking about making a major change. What do you have to lose by quitting? Or, can you make a new opportunity work in the same company? All of these are things to consider when you’re interested in advancing your career. Here’s a short guide to how to move forward when you’ve outgrown your existing opportunity without burning bridges or making enemies.

  • What is causing you to feel stuck?

    The first step to determining if you’ve outgrown your current opportunity is to figure out what is making you feel stuck in your career. Is it your specific job duties? Is it your coworkers or management? Is it the sense that you don’t feel as though you’re living up to your complete potential? Making changes to any one of these can jump start a stalled career without starting from scratch.

  • What do you really want to do?

    Maybe you’re reason for feeling that you’ve outgrown your current job isn’t a dissatisfaction with the job itself but with where you perceived yourself at this stage of your career. Are you doing what you really want do? If not, how can you make changes to put yourself in a better position for the future?

  • Is the environment right for you?

    You may be stuck because the environment where you are currently working is no longer a good fit for you. Or, it is possible that it never was a good fit. The environment where you’re working is as important as what you do for your overall success. If you aren’t in the right place, you may want to consider a more dramatic change of scenery.

  • What other opportunities are available?

    Before you cut all ties with your current employer, start by determining what other opportunities are available in-house. There may be advancement options that you didn’t know existed because you never considered asking. You can talk with your boss about possibilities that will be better suited to your long term career goals.

Are you ready to make a big change in your career? Contact the recruiters at ProSource Staffing to see how we can help you!
