June marks the midpoint of the year so now is a great time assess what you’ve done since January and ensure that you meet your goals by December. While you’re preparing for the second half of 2015 here are some tips for setting a goal and achieving it by the end of the year. Let’s take a look at the best ways to make this happen for you and your career.
- Make a decision. The first step to setting and achieving goals is to start by making a decision. A goal isn’t an intangible thing. You need to have something concrete to work toward. So rather than saying you want to lose weight decide you want to lose 10 pounds by summer. The same is true for your career. Don’t say your goal is a promotion. Determine the path to your promotion that is possible within your current company.
- Write it down. The next step is to make it a living, breathing thing. Write down your goal. You can say you want to lose weight or get a promotion but committing it to writing is an essential step to cementing it in your brain. Put it on your calendar or write it in your journal. If you have a blog, start writing about the steps you’re taking.
- Create accountability. Being accountable is a critical part of the goal setting process. Someone else needs to know about your desire and help you stay on track. You can create an accountability group of like-minded people in your community who all have the same goals in mind. You can also be accountable online through your blog or social media.
- Break it down into doable parts. Of course “losing weight” or “getting a promotion” are fine goals to have but how do you go about achieving them. The important part is to break them down in to smaller, doable tasks that all lead you to the right direction. To start losing weight you can alter the way you eat or add more exercise to your day. For a promotion you can start working on a project or volunteer to do other things in your company.
- Plan your steps. Once you know what each of the doable parts are it is time to create a plan with easy to follow steps to achieving the goal. Set yourself a timeline to have each part done so you can mark your accomplishments or alter your course along the way.
- Celebrate achievements. Of course, the best way to ensure that you continue on the path to your goals is to reward yourself along the way. Choose rewards appropriate to your long term goal. For instance, if you want to lose weight you might not want to reward weight loss with an ice cream Sunday. You need to appreciate each step along the way to keep you motivated.
Are you ready to accomplish your goals by the end of the year?
ProSource Staffing can help you achieve your professional goals this year. If hiring new employees is on your radar for 2015, contact our skilled team of recruiters for additional support.