ProSource Staffing wants to be your premier staffing provider in 2015. Beyond that, we also want to prove our ability to be a support networking for Human Resources and management issues and questions. We’ve decided to take a look back at our top posts for the year and re-share them here for your consideration. Here are the biggest topics we tackled in 2014.
Should You Let a Candidate Know They Didn’t Get the Job?
We wanted to share some advice about why you should let candidates know that they weren’t your choice for the open position and how to do that. Letting a candidate know improves your reputation in the community and keeps the doors open for future job openings. It may also be helpful to connect them to other business contacts that may be interested in their skills.
Why You Should Be Hiring for Potential.
We also though we would share some of the other aspects of a candidate’s personality that you should evaluate beyond their skills. You want to see how well the employee will learn your business, understand their long term goals, and work on building an enthusiastic team that works well together. We believe that employee potential is as important as their skill set.
3 Tips to Stay Focused and Motivated this Fall.
This fall we shared some tips to stay focus that are not only effective as the leaves are turning colors but can be adapted all year long. It is a good idea to establish year-end goals to have the right things to work toward. Don’t be afraid to reward yourself for your successes. And be conscious of your work/life balance and don’t let stress affect your overall health and happiness.