How to Format Temporary Work on a Resume

How to Format Temporary Work on a Resume

If you have been looking for full time work and taking temporary jobs to fill in the gaps, it may be helpful to know precisely how to include this information on your resume. Advice about how to format a resume and what information to include can vary wildly from recruiter to recruiter. It is important to look at the overall picture and determine how it fits with your experience best. Here are three simple ways you can show temporary work on your resume.

  • The staffing service is your primary employer. The best way to showcase temp work on your resume is to include the name of the service as your primary employer.  List the specific temporary assignments below it just like you would experience or accomplishments under a more traditional employer. The staffing company who placed you on these assignments is a great reference, especially if they trusted you with multiple projects. Including the name of the service will allow potential employers to reach out to them for a reference.
  • List your accomplishments as a temp. If you have worked with multiple services on several projects list the individual accomplishments for each assignment. Accomplishments are far more important that a list of duties. They show that your temporary assignments were of value to the client company. If you have the data, show how you were able to save the company money or how you streamlined and organized an important project.
  • Include the names and dates for client companies. The easiest way to share this information is to include the staffing agency as the heading and list the companies you worked for during that time period using bullets.  Share the primary dates on the top line with the temporary agency name but also the individual assignment dates with each client company. This demonstrates how long you were a temporary employee as well as how long each assignment lasted. For each client company list your accomplishments.

Do you want to kick your job search off right in 2014? If you are looking for temp agencies in Deer Park, contact us today.
