Your Interview Follow Up Email Should Include These Three Things

Your Interview Follow Up Email Should Include These Three Things

You probably know that you should send a thank-you note to your interviewer after you’ve met them to discuss an open job. But do you know what you should include in this letter? Many applicants are sending emails to thank the interviewer, so how can yours stand out? Here are three things your follow up email should include that can help you get a callback.

  1. Anything you forgot.

    This is your opportunity, so don’t pass up the chance to say something you may have forgotten to mention in the interview. We all do it. You are so prepared and you do well, but upon reflection, you realize something that you should have said that may have sealed the deal. Do it now. In your email, add something like, “Also, I forgot to mention in the interview that I have experience with PowerPoint creating not only killer presentations for sales departments but using it to make captioned photos for the blogging platform which eliminates the need for expensive Photoshop.” This gives them another idea of the value you can provide.

  2. Gratitude for the opportunity.

    Always be thankful. This is a thank you note, after all. Make sure that you are grateful for their time and for the consideration they will put into your application and interview. People respond to gratitude and it is said that thankful people are generally happier than their less gracious counterparts. This will be a desirable personality trait for the interviewer to consider when they are making their final decisions.

  3. A request for more information.

    Lastly, don’t forget to make the follow-up email a two-way conversation. If the interviewer is inclined to hit reply to continue the conversation, it will keep you at the top of their mind during the consideration process. The trick here is to make sure that this is a natural response. Don’t expect or demand a reply, but simply work in a request for more information into your thank you note. For instance, you could ask them when they intend to make a decision or remind them of something they mentioned in the interview.

Do you want to know more tips for mastering the interview process? Contact the staff at ProSource to find out what we’re hiring for today!
