How to Properly Thank a Hiring Manager After an Interview

How to Properly Thank a Hiring Manager After an Interview

You’ve probably heard that you should be sending thank you notes after your interview for a job. But how exactly do you do it?

There is an art to sending thank you notes and you’ll attract the right attention if you do it correctly. In fact, buy sending a thank you note you’ve put yourself ahead of your less thoughtful competition. So, before you go to your next interview think about the ways you can say thank you with this quick and easy guide.

Email Versus Hand-Written Note.

Since the inception of email communications there will always be people on both sides of this fence. The truth is that both have their benefits. An email is more immediate so you know your message will be received sooner. But a hand-written note is personal and memorable. Either one is appropriate.

When Should You Send It?

The most important thing is not waiting too long to send your message. Whichever you choose, send it when you get home from the interview. This way you are still fresh in their minds. If your interview is at the end of the day, you can wait until first thing in the morning so your message doesn’t get lost, but otherwise send it as soon as you get home.

What Should You Include?

What you say is as important as when you say it. If you are sending an email, recap the conversation so the hiring manager knows you were paying attention. Also, don’t be afraid to include some of the things you wish you had said. We all do it, so why not make it count.

How to Stand Out From the Crowd.

The most important thing you can do is make sure that your note stands out. Sending one at all will be the first step of the process, but you need to make sure you send the right message. What do you want the hiring manager to remember most? Include that in the message. And, there is no rule that says you can’t send both an email and a handwritten note.

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