Temp Work on the Rise for 2014

Temp Work on the Rise for 2014

According the American Staffing Association, the rise of temporary jobs is usually the first indicator that the economy in recovery. Individuals within the temporary industry believe that 2014 might be a record breaking year for flexible staffing. Let’s take a look at some of the indicators and reasons this may happen in the coming year.


  • The Affordable Care Act. One big factor in 2014 is the implementation of the ACA. Because of the uncertainty with how much companies will be expected to pay, many organizations are turning to temporary employment services to increase their staff without hiring permanent or full time employees. Contingent staff will fill these gaps and as employees of the agency will not be part of the official headcount for the companies utilizing their services.
  • The widening skills gap. Many employers are decrying the phenomenon that has been labeled “the skills gap.” It is believed that candidates are simply unqualified to perform the tasks at hand while those who seeking jobs are frustrated that they are not given an opportunity to learn and prove themselves in this market. Temporary staffing can fill that gap. Often the exact skills are less of a challenge than the right fit within the organizational structure. Companies may be focusing on the wrong aspects of hiring. By bringing in a temporary worker to fill this gap they may find exactly what they have been unsuccessfully searching for.
  • Reduction of federal unemployment benefits. It is expected that more people collecting unemployment benefits will be cut off from the system based on the current economic conditions. When individuals who have been collecting unemployment return to the workforce, temporary employment may be a viable option to build their skills to re-enter the professional workplace.
  • Try before you buy mentality. One of the key factors in temporary employment is that both the employee and the client company have an opportunity to get to know one another before a full time hiring decision is made. This gives both parties an advantage. The ability to match skills and corporate culture to one another puts the staffing industry at the head of the game to help both workers and companies recover from any economic disadvantage.

Are you looking for temp work to fill in the gaps until you can find permanent employment? If you are looking for temp job agencies in Deer Park, contact us today.
